(re)Kindle Your Why - Three Month Leadership Consulting

Leadership Foundations Program + Team Engagement

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Your Instructor

Mariah Kindle
Mariah Kindle

My name is Mariah Kindle and I live up to my last name - I ignite and inspire leaders to experience a life on fire all while building a career and business they truly love!

I am the Owner and Lead Consultant at Liminal Magic Consulting, where I teach that magic happens in the space between where you are now and where you want to be. My mission is to inspire leaders to connect deeper to their dreams, develop stronger leadership skills, achieve their goals, and ultimately ignite a passion for continued success.

I know firsthand what many leaders are facing in their journey for significance because I have been there too. Nearly 20 years ago, I found a job that I thought would be my “forever home”. In the beginning of my career, the mission of the organization sustained me, and I thought I would be there for a long time. However, at one point, I realized that my sole purpose and soul’s passion was to help leaders not feel held back when they have so much more to offer.

I believe that leaders are the foundation for a successful team. And, a thriving team is the determining factor to the success of an organization. I help leaders understand that they don’t have to be the duct tape that holds an organization together, but they can operate in a place of inspiration and value-led integrity.

My greatest joy is witnessing the spark of passion in people when they finally start leading from a place of mission, vision, and values. My students have gone on to be partners in law offices and accounting firms; others lead critical departments in large organizations across the country, and more have gone on to lead major healthcare teams.
My “why” is your success!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
Four one-on-one sessions will be scheduled based on your availability. We will find a time to work together starting with a session to discuss the vision for your business and any challenges you may have. Each session will be a minimum of one hour but do plan on up to two hours so that you can get as much information as you need for you to be successful.
How long do I have access to the course?
These sessions will be delivered by Zoom video conferencing. Our sessions will be recorded and emailed to you for your records.

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